Category: Guides & Tutorials


Restoring Helios 44 – CLA tutorial by Tomas Glavina

Please, don't use comments bellows this article for the questions, because in time, that can make page too slow for loading. A short legend of the terms and abbreviations used in the tutorial: CW – clock wise, CCW - counter clock wise, MDF – minimum focusing distance, Outer or external ring - the ring that…


Legacy lenses restoration – CLA tutorials by Tomas Glavina

Verybiglobo is proud to welcome Tomas Glavina on board. Tomas agreed to work with us in creating series of CLA tutorials for old legacy lenses. Step by step, he will guide you how to open, clean, lubricate and re-assemble lenses as well as how to polish silver aluminum housing, in order to restore full shine…


Great exposure latitude of Sony A7r sensor!

I just wanted to share with you, the story of one image, that could have been lost forever, if shot on film or some other digital cameras such as my (otherwise lovely and trusty) Canon EOS 5D Mark II. By exposure latitude, I mean the amount of over or underexposure, that after correction still can…


Cheap Macro lens with AF – Canon EF 35-80mm f/4-5.6. Only three screws away!

We are proud to welcome on our dear friend, great photographer and very skilled DIY equipment inventor - Petr Machan - Within our tradition, Petr will get very special title - Verybigmachan, which can be interpreted like - very big mac, very big macho or very big Genghis Khan. We hope to see…


Fireworks with Sony A7r

Over hollidays, I didn't find time to finish A7 vs NEX 7 comparison, but I will jump on it next week. Meanwhile, I went to shot annual fireworks at 1st of January 2014 in Prague. I thought that sharing my experience and adding few tips and tricks about shooting fireworks with Sony A7r might be…


Sony NEX and Nikon D800 E on Iceland

... 2 months ago, I visited Iceland.I experienced Iceland for the second time, but first time I was there, it was only few days and I didn't have camera.This time, I went just for shooting. You might try to combine both - exploring and shooting, in any case though, you should consider to plan your…


Samyang 8mm f2.8 UMC fisheye and NEX 7, no tripod allowed

It's not often, that I can review 6 lenses at once. But thanks to South Korean producer Samyang, it is possible. Samyang, Rokinon, Vivitar, Bower, Pro-Optics or Wallimex 8mm f2.8 UMC for Sony. Just pick the lens you have, or consider and read further. Truth is, they are all same.What has lens review to do…

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