Home Forums Q&A Forum Difference between FE 35 1.4za vs zeiss 35 1.4zm

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  verybiglobo 4 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #9592 Reply


    Hi, viktor
    Do you have a chance to test out 35 1.4 za? How’s about it when comparing with 35 1.4zm?

    Hope to here your opinion soon,

    #9600 Reply
    viktor pavlovic
    viktor pavlovic

    Hi PetivutK,
    I briefly tried two FE 35/1.4 but didn’t really spend much time with them. In my opinion, if there aren’t problems with QC (as refered by several users of this lens), it is a good choice IQ wise, but from what I have seen, I still liked ZM version more. If you are using Sony A7 camera, I would wait a bit longer. Something tells me that Loxia 35/1.4 (based on Distagon 35/1.4 ZM) won’t take too long to appear 😉


    #15458 Reply

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Reply To: Difference between FE 35 1.4za vs zeiss 35 1.4zm
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