Home Forums Legacy lenses Helios front-flip screw issue

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  verybiglobo 4 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #9048 Reply


    Thanks Victor! I tried again but moving the focus didn’t seem to move the lens any. I took a few pics but honestly not much to see. I think my copy just has the elements slightly too close together so I can’t get ring to thread. Unless I’m just missing something obvious.

    I would love to get this mod going though. I’m working on a documentary and thought the look you were getting with this might be nice for a few shots. Maybe I’ll order up another helios or try it with my MIR 1-v instead. Did you say somewhere you were selling some?

    Thanks again,

    #9049 Reply
    viktor pavlovic
    viktor pavlovic

    Hi Andrew,
    what exactly type of Helios did you use? (44M, 44-2 etc.) I have most of them and can try to replicate your problem. If I succeed, I can make few pictures to suggest the solution, if not, we’ll at least know which types are not suitable for the mod.

    I can make the mod for you, and it will cost 99 USD with the lens in fully working order (+ shipping) but I am sure you can pass much cheaper with DIY.


    #9063 Reply


    Hi Viktor. I don’t see how to attach an image in here. Serial number on my copy is :83401412. And it’s a 44-2. The common kind you see on ebay. Looks like:


    The flipped front element does touch the next element and I’m not sure how it wouldn’t. Just can’t get the ring screwed back in. I may try some paper tape around the edges to secure it. Thanks again.

    #9064 Reply
    viktor pavlovic
    viktor pavlovic

    Hi Andrew, As soon as I find some time, I will try to convert one of those and will see if I can replicate your problem. To post images here, you need to have them somewhere on the web, such as Flickr, Picassa etc. and to embed them to the post. Embeding link differs between services, but it shouldn’t be too complicated.


    #9066 Reply
    viktor pavlovic
    viktor pavlovic

    Hi Andrew,
    I got few minutes to try conversion on the type 44-2 in order to see if I can replicate your problem…

    As I was in hurry, I couldn’t take pictures, but I might have found the cause of your problem…
    I believe that you twisted 180° – metal collar ring between front element and secondary elements group.

    In order of disassembling, you have first to unscrew the little safety ring with letters “Hellios, 44-2” etc. After that you should carefully twist the lens to drop the front group in your palm. (If you twist and shake it too much, second group can fold out too.)
    Bellow front group, (that you should have in the hand now) and above second group, (in other words – between two glass elements) there is a metal collar ring that is supposed to keep the proper distance between both optical groups. This collar has wider part that should face upward, and tighter part that touch the second lens group.

    If you turned this collar (accidentally) other way around – so that wider part is touching the second group and front element comes on the narrower part of the collar, you will most probably keep proper distance between elements, but you won’t be able to screw back safety ring (with signs).
    If you keep the original position of this collar, both lens optical groups will hard touch each other, but you shouldn’t have problem to screw back the safety ring (with signs). (At least I haven’t had a problem, except that it takes a bit longer to properly position safety ring).

    In this case however, I would expect problems with focus (didn’t have time to test), because glasses will touch each other and distance between them will be shorter than intended. You might try to make few spacers (from the harder black paper, or plastic folder etc.) to lift the front element just enough to fix the focus issue, but still not too much in order to screw safety ring back. I guesstimate thickness of just bellow 1mm. (Lenses will probably still touch each other but less than without spacers.

    I hope it make sense, and if you need any further support, let me know.

    Best regards,

    #9068 Reply


    Thanks Viktor. i think you nailed it. That second ring did fall out and I just put it back without thinking about the position. I did however eventually just secure the lens with some paper tape and it seems to work. Cant get very sharp focus, which sounds like an issue from the elements touching. I took a few shots and will put them up for you to see.

    I’ll try to reassemble as you suggested and see if I can get the focus a bit sharper.

    Thanks again,


    #9069 Reply
    viktor pavlovic
    viktor pavlovic

    Hi Andrew,
    let us know please if you succeed with the mod. I’ll be happy to know if it works for you.


    #9071 Reply

    Andrew Mass

    I haven’t tried fixing it for better focus yet but you can see results of my first test here:

    #12433 Reply


    Hello, I have the same problem with helios 44m and 44m6. Flipping the front lens, it touches the second one. Is it trick possible only with 44m2?

    #15352 Reply

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