Home Forums Legacy lenses Nanotechnology water resistance for legacy lenses

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  verybiglobo 4 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #9593 Reply


    Hi folks,

    Has any one tried coating their legacy lenses with one of the nanotechnology products that claim to protect electronic equipment from liquids? If so, please let us know your experience and if you would recommend it. I’m mainly interested in protecting against rain and snow…I’m not going swimming! I also want to protect against sea spray.

    For those of you unfamiliar with the technology, here is a review of two products by a yachting website:

    Waterproof your mobile: we test new coatings based on nanotechnology

    I’ve emailed the two companies in the review to enquire about safety and use on legacy camera lenses:

    The first company says it should be fine, but I’ve yet to hear from the 2nd one. They suggest I use their Liquid Sapphire product to prevent scratches to my glass (and waterproof the front), then apply their FlashFlood product to the body of the lens. However, they qualify this by saying this will be a trial. So actually, it seems that they’ve never done it themselves!!

    Do you think there’s much risk involved?

    I’m thinking of trying it on a cheap lens. Any thoughts on how to test (1) water resistance, (2) image quality?


    #9598 Reply
    viktor pavlovic
    viktor pavlovic

    Hi Anthony,

    interesting idea for sure. You might test it on a cheap lens, I would recommend something like Russian Helios 44, and to test it I would simply spray a shower on it than I would leave it for a month or so in a wet dark place. If the protection wasn’t good, you will most certainly find some rust on the barrel and focusing can get stiff or even blocked. Be sure however to screw any type of protective filter (I assume you don’t want to spray coating over glass?).
    There is one problem to consider – probably most critical places for moisture to get into the lens or camera is the mount itself. Weather protected lenses have sealing ring , usually made of rubber, on the mount side. I am afraid that there is no proper way to apply nano coating in order to protect this weak spot, unless you spray it over with lens mounted on camera, but that’s a risk that I won’t suggest (and you won’t be able to change lenses).
    In any case, if you dare to try it, please let us know how it went.


    #16082 Reply


    Groundwork: Autobiographical Writings, 1979–2012 : Paul Auster : 9781250245809

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