Home › Forums › Legacy lenses › What are the most intersting lenses for the Sony Alphas?
This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by verybiglobo 4 years, 4 months ago.
David PannoHello all –
Curious; which lenses do you find produce the most interesting images?
Not necessarily perfect mind you; more in the realm of the unusual or “arty”.
My hope is to mount such lenses on my Sony A7R.
Thank you in advance for your input.
Hi David,
until someone else hopefully join our discussion, let me propose few more lenses with “charismatic” look.Mayer Optik Gorlitz had many famous lenses, among which Primoplan 75/1.9 is one of the best portrait lenses of its time and has very unique rendering. Together with it you’ll find another Primoplan – 58/1.9, Trioplan 100/2.8 and even small Trioplan 50/2.9 famous for circular bokeh, to be quite interesting too.
Meyer Optik Gorlitz produced quite few lenses that become a saught after collectors items. Such black Domiron 50/2, or almost mythical 75/1.4 that I don’t know if really existed or not are certainly one of the rarest lenses in MOG inventory.
Except those mostly expensive lenses, MOG did also few affordable ones that you might consider. Orestor 100/2.8 and 135/2.8 are both very nice and small lenses, while such Lydith 30/3.5 and Telefogar 90/3.5 are very specific in respective focal lengths.
Also Primotars 80/3.5 and 180/3,5 are not borring lenses.
Next time we can take a short look among CZJ lenses, where my favorite Biotars belongs.
ViktorHi again David,
I would like to mention also few interesting Carl Zeiss Jena Lenses…
Firs that comes to my mind is Biotar 75/1.5. There is also its Russian clone Hellios 40, which is still in production today as Helios 40-2.There are few more Biotars to mention, another mythical Biotar 75/1.4 and lens made for super 16 film cameras (apentaflex) – Biotar 50/1.4.
Among CZJ lenses we shouldn’t forget about wide angle Flektogon 20/2.8 MC and earlier 20/4. Also Flektogon 35/2.4 MC is very nice 35mm lens with short MFD which makes it almost macro in that regard. Flektogon was base for later development of Carl Zeiss Oberkochen and today’s Zeiss – Distagons.
There are few longer CZJ lenses with goodreputation such as Sonnars 135/3.5 MC or 180/2.8 MC.
Among portrait lenses there is also 85/2 Sonnar. CZJ produced lenses for many cameras and formats and it would take really long article to list all of their charismatic products.Best regards,
RandyDavid Panno…are you still out there? I have a Meyer Optik Orestor 200/4 that I would love to send you an image from. Contact me if you get the urge knottypinesmotel@gmail.com
verybigloboGame of Bones • Carolyn Haines • 9781250240484