Zeiss Loxia 85mm f/2.4 Hands-On (Photokina 2016)

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3 Responses

  1. Micah says:

    Thanks for posting the interview! The news on color correction is really important to me. Since the line i want to invest in has to be great for both video and stills, i was going back and forth between loxia and milvus. The 21 really made this tough, because loxia is cheaper, handles better, and iq is very comparable. There is no reason i know of to choose milvus 21 over loxia 21 if shooting a7 series… except if you wanted homogenous color between all your lenses

    Now that we know loxia and milvus are interchangeable from a color rendition perspective, picking loxia is an easy choice, and allows me to pickup the real gem in the milvus line… the 135 apo, while sticking to loxia at shorter focal length. Loxia 21, 50, 85, and milvus 135 should give me everything i want! Now, can someone please donate $6k to me 🙂

  1. October 1, 2016

    […] can read the rest of the interview and hands-on here and additional sample images […]

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